Saturday, June 25, 2011


Yes, yes, I know... Resolutions are mostly made and mentioned in the month of January, but do we keep them? No. (Unless you are perfect, then you keep your resolution to a T.) So, in this wonderful month of June, (it starts with a "J" at least) I am going to write about resolutions. There is a lot of meaning in that word. But, what does it mean to you? Think about it. A resolution is something that you decide or resolve to stick with and do. However, no one seems to stick to what they resolve to do. Every year, year after year, after New Years day, a lot of people want to loose weight and get in shape. There are signs for support groups, a whole bunch of people walking and running on the side walks and people are hitting the gym. Suddenly, after about a month or less of that, most of those people stop and give up on their resolutions. They don't see results, so consequently they give up. It's so sad. I'm not saying that all of those people needed to loose the weight, I'm just saying that when they don't see something happen in their suitable time frame, they decide it's not worth while to pursue. A resolution is so much more than a thought or idea, it's an action. I have made a resolution to follow Jesus. I have not given up so far, and I don't intend to. I don't always see results of him in my life, but I can't give up on him because I can't see, hear, or feel him. Too many have had a warm fuzzy, "I'm in Love with Jesus" feeling, but when come to reality again ditch Jesus because they can't escape their troubles. They ditch Jesus because the "honeymoon stage" is over. He doesn't make life perfect for you, but he does walk through life with you. So many people have given up on their resolution to follow Christ, and may never come back to him. They don't see the effects, they don't see progress. They don't feel "the change". Don't give up. Never break your resolution to follow Christ, and don't become one of those who never finish the race.


Friday, June 17, 2011

Defining God's Character

What automatically pops into your head when your are asked the question, "What is God like?" I can name a lot of things. Who is God? Creator, Perfector, gentle, kind, patient, just, righteous, holy, amazing, awesome, King of Kings, Lord, and Savior. There are so many other things that God is. He is someone that no human can comprehend. He hasn't even revealed all of his character to anyone. He is so loving that we can't begin to understand his love for us or how he loves a sinful people like us. His joy is so overwhelming that we can't experience it to the fullest here on earth. He is so amazing! How though can we get a better glimpse of God's character? By studying Him. You know, you need to learn about something before you can understand it. Even the hardest most impossible things to comprehend are studied in science and in math. Although, there will never be a complete knowledge of those subjects, they are studied to catch more of a glimpse of the complexity of that field. We should do the same with God. We need to study his word. We need to spend quality time with him. We need to glean more information out of whatever reliable and true resource that is out there about God-- the Bible. A few good places to start are, Isaiah, Proverbs, Genesis, Song of Songs (if you look at it as if it was your relationship with God.) and Romans. Then, you should follow where God leads. We will never fully understand who God is, but the more we understand who He is, the more we love him, and are able to see the bigger picture.


My One and only Passion

I have changed this blog's name, it's address, and it's theme a few times. However, I will never change it's content or the subject. All or most of the posts I write are totally centered around Jesus. These posts will still be from His point of view, but I am going to focus on who Jesus is. My One and Only Passion.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Tearing out the Roots

Being a fallen world, we have sin. To us it is natural. We don't like it, but never the less it is there. As a people, we tend to pull out the visible part of our sin, but figure that if people can't see the sin, we are safe. It's like the skeleton in the closet. When we conclude that no one knows about our sin, we try to push it aside. However, when we don't uproot the "weeds" in our lives, the "weeds" come back again. Although uprooting things in your life takes time and it sometimes hurts, the result is more beautiful, holy, and righteous than before. There are lilies where there were thorns, and there is good fruit where fruit was never produced. The sin and stuff in our lives (No matter how big or how small) chokes the spiritual life out of us. I challenge you to pray and ask God what roots need to be torn up in your life. You aren't able to do this by yourself though. Some roots are so deep that you need a shovel. God will dig as deep as he needs to in order to uproot the sin. You must be willing for him to work in you. You are like the flower bed. He is the master gardener. He wants and needs to work in you. Don't hold him back.


Thursday, June 2, 2011


Hope: to place trust in; rely on

You hear in movies that certain characters are other character's last and only hope. Who is your last and only hope? Truly. Don't just do the Sunday school answer. Who do you depend on, rely on, and hope in? When there's nothing left, and your are hanging on by a thread, who do you hope in? I have thought about this for some time, and have come to the conclusion that I can only hope in Jesus Christ. He never fails me, and He will never let me go. When we put our trust in God and we hope only in His name, we will not stumble. We will be on solid ground, and He will fulfill our every need and want. We must rely on His saving grace, and not put our hope in things that will fall or fail us.

"My hope is built in nothing less, than Jesus' blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame but only lean on Jesus' name. In Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand."
