Thursday, March 29, 2012

In His Steps

I am reading this book called In His Steps. It is such a challenging book for me, because in it, a few people from this church of rich "Christians" are challenged by their pastor to do everything that they do after asking "What would Jesus Do". Reading this book and the amazing impact it had on the characters and how it portrays God's character is awesome. I encourage you all to read it. We could use a lot more Christians in this world who will make a difference by walking in His steps. Ask yourself would Jesus do this or that in every decision you make. It will make a huge difference. I am going to try to start asking that question, too. I know that once I make an effort to follow in His steps, God is going to take me further into an amazing relationship with him. He will lead me into opportunities I would never have had. Try it, I know that it won't be easy, but if we are truly willing to follow God, then what is holding us back from all he has planned for us? God had defeated fear, worries, sin, and death. He as defeated EVERYTHING that stands in the way of us following Him. All we have to do is stop making excuses.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Choosing God

My sisters and I write songs and one of them wrote this song called "Letting Go". It's a song about letting go of everything to walk with Jesus. The question I have been faced with is:

Are you willing to do whatever it takes?

I know that sometimes I'm not. Jesus is not always my everything. Sometimes he just a thing in my life. I want him to be the One thing in my life that permeates the rest of my life. I'm so in love with God, and so insanely taken by him, but  even with that, I still have a lot of days where God isn't the only thing. Sometimes, God, school, fear, pain, family, friends, etc... get bits and pieces of my attention, and God is just another thing on that list.

I want to let go of fear, of worries, of stress, of selfish desires and I want to cling onto Jesus. I need to let go and hold onto Jesus. He is life, and he is my life. He's the reason I am who I am. He's the reason I am becoming who He created me to be. I'm tired of doing everything on my own. I want to know the heart of God. I want Him to be the only thing I seek and find. He's the reason we were created, and we are the reason he gave up everything to save the world.

What about you? Will you let go of all your fears, all your worries, all your plans and dreams, and all your doubts to follow God? I know my answer is "Yes, Jesus, whatever it takes I choose you."     
