I am reading this book called In His Steps. It is such a challenging book for me, because in it, a few people from this church of rich "Christians" are challenged by their pastor to do everything that they do after asking "What would Jesus Do". Reading this book and the amazing impact it had on the characters and how it portrays God's character is awesome. I encourage you all to read it. We could use a lot more Christians in this world who will make a difference by walking in His steps. Ask yourself would Jesus do this or that in every decision you make. It will make a huge difference. I am going to try to start asking that question, too. I know that once I make an effort to follow in His steps, God is going to take me further into an amazing relationship with him. He will lead me into opportunities I would never have had. Try it, I know that it won't be easy, but if we are truly willing to follow God, then what is holding us back from all he has planned for us? God had defeated fear, worries, sin, and death. He as defeated EVERYTHING that stands in the way of us following Him. All we have to do is stop making excuses.
I really want to read this book!