Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Finding Love

We seek love, we are desperate
We hope for true love, we are unsatisfied
We look to the world instead of You
We think we've found Love
Though we've only looked to ourselves
Love only can be found in You
Being loved isn't the problem
It is recognizing it and knowing it
It is searching for love in the right place
We tend to search for love in every place
but the place we know we will find it
We run away from it, thinking that we are
escaping wrath, punishment, and judgement
Once we have found love, it is overwhelming
We can't get away.
Though we sometimes push it away,
It is always calling
Love made a way, love leads the way
Some people claim to have found peace and love in others
But I have found True, Everlasting love
In Jesus Christ



  1. That's amazing Katherine! Would it be Okay if I repost this on my blog? I'll give you credit :)
