Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Change

Some people say that once you get saved an amazing change takes place in you, so much so that everyone can tell. I know that personally I had never felt that. Being raised in a strong Christian home, I always had a head knowledge of Jesus, but never really a heart knowledge. I knew that Jesus died for me, I knew all of the Bible stories... I even had a dream of someday becoming a missionary. I was one of those kids where those who did not live with me thought I was incapable of committing sin... (but only those who didn't live with me). Obviously, I didn't think much of a personal relationship with Jesus. I mean, I hadn't committed any "big" sins, I wasn't addicted to anything (accept for chocolate, but that's mostly a girl thing and not a life or death issue... most of the time.) I wasn't even exposed to what the real world was like. My life was guarded, and I had my parents to help me with my faith. About 5 years ago, my family left the church that I (almost literally) grew up in. We left friends and our church family behind. It was one of the hardest things I have gone through. We soon began looking for a new church. About a month later, we came to a place, and I knew this could be my new family. after about a year, I attended my churches annual camp. There I saw that God was a personal God. He moved in amazing ways and he healed every part of me. He touched me. However, even with that real experience, I was still so immature in my faith. I was so distracted, the Bible seemed, well boring to me. I left the change behind me, and focused on other things that caught my attention. God directed my family into a new season of waiting for 3 1/2 years for 3 children. That grabbed my attention once again. I found that God was pursuing me, but I needed to chase him. He was trying to instill a love and passion in me for him, but I was blocking him out of my life. I realized that the change that people felt, was because they changed their perspective of God, of life, of the world, and of the Bible. I needed to change my perspective and beliefs about who I was and who God is. God isn't a god who just waits for us to come to him. He wants us to come to Him... he shows himself to us. We need to seek him too though. We can't just wait for him to find us and capture our hearts. The change only comes when you allow God to be your Lord, your master, and your leader.


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